Identify Most Marketable Features - Letter

Dear [NAME],

You know your home better than anyone, so why not try to sell it on your own, right?  What may surprise you is that living in a home and seeing it every day can actually work against you when it comes to marketing real estate.  Allow me to take a moment to explain.

When you live in a home, you see it differently than someone who has just walked through the door for the first time.  Your familiarity with the property may actually make it difficult to identify your home's most marketable features.  There may be flaws-or features others perceive as such-that could easily be fixed if identified, but you never notice them because they don't bother you, and you are used to your home looking the way it does.  Or, conversely, your home may have “hidden” selling points you've failed to highlight because you don't realize they're there, or they don't mean anything to you.

One of the many advantages an experienced [REALTOR®/AGENT/BROKER] such as myself brings to the table is the ability to see a home the way a potential buyer does.  Additionally, knowing what home buyers in our area are looking for enables me to present and market properties in a way that highlights their strongest selling points, while downplaying any flaws.

I respect that you're trying to sell your home on your own, but should your strategy change down the line and you decide you could benefit from partnering with an energetic, knowledgeable [REALTOR®/AGENT/BROKER] who is keenly aware of the local real estate market, please give me a call at [PHONE].  You can also visit my Web site at [WEB ADDRESS] to learn more about the innovative, custom-tailored services I provide.
