Marketing Tips - Letter

Dear [NAME],

I noticed that you have listed your home For Sale By Owner.  As a [REALTOR®/AGENT/BROKER] who is very familiar with your neighborhood, I wanted to offer you some information as a professional courtesy.  I hope you will find the marketing tips below valuable, because the marketing of your property is the most essential element of a successful sale. 

Here are some proven strategies that you may find very useful as you sell your home.

Marketing Tips: How To Sell Your Home
If you want potential homebuyers to fall in love with your house, they first have to know it's for sale.  This is where a strong marketing plan comes into play, which not only publicizes your property but gives people a preview of your home before they get there.

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Regardless of whether your home is to be featured online, in a publication, or as a paid advertisement, quality photos are a must.  You must capture your home's best qualities in each image.  Take a photo of the front and back of the home, along with interior photos of every room.  Try various angles and lighting situations, which give you the opportunity to choose the best shots.

Use the pictures to pique the interest of potential buyers.  If a buyer likes the photos, their next step will be to schedule a tour of the home.  Hence, the right photos are invaluable when selling real estate.

Sign Here
Believe it or not, one of the best marketing strategies is free.  By placing a sign in your yard, you will let anyone driving by know that your home is for sale.  Even if you live in an area that does not get a lot of traffic, a passerby may notice the sign and tell someone they know who is in the market for a new home.  Place your sign in a visible area of your lawn.  You can also place it in your window or on your front door.  Be sure to check with your local community association, if applicable, regarding placement and permission for this type of sign.

Paid Advertisements
Try advertising in the local newspaper first.  People looking to move into your area will likely be browsing the newspaper for real estate ads.  Keep in mind that it's not just newcomers who may be looking to buy a new home.  Perhaps an empty nester is looking for a smaller abode or a growing family is looking to upgrade to a larger house, so don't discount locals as potential buyers.

Hold An Open House
If you want potential buyers to fall in love with your home, invite them in to see what it has to offer.  An open house allows for anyone to simply drop in, with or without an appointment, to tour the home.  In some cases, a successful open house may result in an offer or possibly multiple offers that same day.  You can advertise an open house with signs in your yard, posting a notice on local bulletin boards, and by utilizing free or paid ads online and/or in your local newspaper.

If you are still living in the home, the date and time should be convenient for you, but also a day that would be convenient for others.  For most, the weekend is a good time, and most open houses are an all-day event.

I hope these marketing tips will provide you with some ideas that will help you sell your home quickly.

Please feel free to contact me at [PHONE] if I can answer any questions for you.  I am more than happy to lend you my expertise and make myself available to consult with you at no obligation to you.

I wish you great success!
