Showing the Home - Letter

Dear [NAME],

Among the many tasks associated with selling your home yourself, at first glance showing your home may seem to be one of the simplest.  After all, you know your home better than anyone.

In this case, there is also a down side to knowing and showing your own home.  For homeowners, the emotional connection to a home can hamper effectively preparing and showing it to potential buyers.  It's not just a house for sale; it is your home-a place with which you have a special connection and where you have created fond memories.  As a result, objectively assessing and preparing your home for showings can present quite a challenge.  One of the biggest challenges you face in this regard is the ability to consider, with the necessary level of detachment, how you can depersonalize your home in a way that allows prospective buyers to envision it as their own.

Professional REALTORS® are knowledgeable and experienced in doing just that.  They are also experts in identifying simple, low-cost repairs; suggesting easy improvements that provide a great return for a small investment; using staging techniques to make the house look bigger, cozier, warmer, more inviting, or to create moods that show your home in the best possible light; considering safety concerns that may arise in home inspections; and establishing curb appeal to draw buyers inside.

An additional aspect of showing a home, which homeowners often mention after deciding to use the services of a real estate agent, is the desire to show their home more securely.  Among the concerns noted by these homeowners who first tried to sell their home solo were the uneasiness they felt when being alone to show their home to strangers, and holding a public open house with no idea whether those attending were qualified to buy the home, who they were, or whether they were scouting the home for a later robbery attempt.  REALTORS® can help alleviate these concerns by learning about prospective buyers and ensuring that those they bring to your home are financially qualified to make the purchase.

I would be happy to meet with you to discuss these and other benefits of using a REALTOR® to sell your home.  You may be surprised at the value we can provide and the significant return you can expect on the investment you make in a hiring a REALTOR®.  Please give me a call at [PHONE] to schedule a free consultation with no obligation.
